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Negotiation Terms

  • BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): The best outcome a party can achieve if the current negotiations fail and they need to pursue an alternative option.

  • ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement): The range within which an agreement is satisfactory to both parties involved in the negotiation.

  • Bargaining Zone: the range within which an agreement is possible between parties during negotiations

  • Competitive Negotiation Approach: A negotiation strategy where each party aims to maximize their own gain often at the expense of the other party.

  • Collaborative Negotiation Approach: A strategy where both parties work together to find a mutually beneficial outcome, focusing on common interests rather than opposing positions.

  • Win-Win Situation: A scenario in which all parties involved in the negotiation feel they have achieved a favorable outcome.

  • Anchoring: The practice of establishing a reference point (anchor) around which a negotiation revolves, often the first offer made in the negotiation.

  • Deadlock: A situation where no progress can be made in negotiations because both parties are unable to reach an agreement or compromise.

  • Priorities: The underlying reasons or needs that motivate a party’s position in a negotiation.

  • Positions: The positions that negotiators communicate towards the other party on specific variables.

  • SEG - Soft Exposing Giveaways: use of language that gives away the other parties true feeling or position. For instants: “I was hoping to receive €X” langauge gives away that they were not seriously expecting it.

  • NVC - Nonverbal Communication: The transmission of messages or signals through a non-verbal platform such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures.

  • Breakpoint: The moment in a negotiation when one or both parties decide that no further progress can be made, leading to a halt in discussions.

  • Walk Away Point: The worst acceptable outcome a negotiator is willing to accept before ending negotiations and resorting to their BATNA.

  • Escalation: The process of increasing the stakes or intensity of a negotiation, often by involving additional resources, demands, or threats.

  • Extreme Opening: The first proposals in the negotiation above your requirements that allows you to move (and thereby create satisfaction)

  • Concession: A compromise made by one party during negotiations to move towards an agreement.

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